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- /****************************************************************************
- * *
- * Program : Sclock.c *
- * Programmer: David C. Lauri Jr. [DLAURI PeopleLink, Genie, BIX] *
- * *
- * This is a digital titlebar clock with seconds and AM/PM indicator. *
- * Its special feature is that it always stays on the active screen, even *
- * if the active screen is a custom one belonging to another program. *
- * (Finally, a clock for AMIC PD term!) *
- * *
- * User beware: *
- * Because this clock sometimes "trespasses" on custom screens, special *
- * care must be taken in its use. If a custom screen on which it resides *
- * closes, you will be visited by the GURU. Therefore, before closing a *
- * custom screen, close the clock first. For example, if you want to exit *
- * AMIC PD term, first close Sclock and then close AMIC PD term. Then, you *
- * can run Sclock again. *
- * *
- * Having said that, I hereby disclaim any responsibility for damages *
- * caused by use of this program. Anyone who feels he can't follow the *
- * above guideline should not use this program! *
- * *
- * This program is released into the public domain. Anyone may do whatever *
- * he wants with it. *
- * *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #include <lattice/stdio.h>
- #define WIN_WIDTH 131 /* width of the clock's window */
- #define WAIT_TIME 250000 /* how long to wait between
- updates in micro-seconds */
- struct NewWindow newwindow =
- { 459, 0, /* Upper left corner
- (puts clock just to left
- of the Back/Front gadgets */
- 131, 10, /* Width, Height */
- 1, 1, /* Foreground, background */
- CLOSEWINDOW, /* IDCMP flags */
- WINDOWCLOSE /* flags */
- NULL, /* First gadget */
- NULL, /* Check mark */
- "", /* Title */
- NULL, /* Screen */
- NULL, /* Bit map */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* minimum/maximum sizes */
- WBENCHSCREEN /* Workbench type */
- };
- struct Window *window, *OpenWindow();
- struct timerequest timer;
- struct MsgPort *timerport, *CreatePort();
- struct Screen *workbenchscreen, *currentscreen;
- char datestring[20]; /* Place to keep the date */
- struct IntuiText datetext =
- { 2, 1, /* Foreground, background */
- JAM2, /* Use both pens */
- 0, 0, /* Upper left corner */
- NULL, /* Text attributes */
- datestring, /* Buffer */
- NULL /* Next IntuiText */
- };
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- void
- main()
- { int notclosed = TRUE;
- register short hours, minutes;
- char *time, *am="AM", *pm="PM";
- struct DateStamp now;
- struct IntuiMessage *message, *GetMsg();
- struct Task *FindTask();
- if((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 0)) != NULL)
- { if((timerport = CreatePort("Timer Port", 0)) != NULL)
- { if(OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, UNIT_VBLANK, (char *)&timer, 0) == NULL)
- { timer.tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = timerport;
- timer.tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- timer.tr_node.io_Flags = 0;
- timer.tr_node.io_Error = 0;
- if((window = OpenWindow(&newwindow)) != NULL)
- { workbenchscreen = window->WScreen;
- currentscreen = window->WScreen;
- (void)SetTaskPri(FindTask((char *) 0), 20);
- while(notclosed)
- { DateStamp(&now);
- hours = now.ds_Minute / 60;
- if(hours >= 12)
- time = pm;
- else
- time = am;
- if(hours > 12)
- hours = hours - 12;
- if(hours == 0)
- hours = 12;
- minutes = now.ds_Minute % 60;
- sprintf(datestring, " %02d:%02d:%02d %2s ",
- hours, minutes, now.ds_Tick / TICKS_PER_SECOND, time);
- PrintIText(window->RPort, &datetext, 28, 1);
- timer.tr_time.tv_secs = 0;
- timer.tr_time.tv_micro = WAIT_TIME;
- SendIO((char *) &timer.tr_node);
- Wait(1 << window->UserPort->mp_SigBit
- | 1 << timerport->mp_SigBit);
- while(message = GetMsg(window->UserPort))
- { if(message->Class == CLOSEWINDOW)
- notclosed = FALSE;
- ReplyMsg(message);
- } /* end while */
- (void)GetMsg(timerport);
- if(currentscreen != IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen)
- { newwindow.LeftEdge = window->LeftEdge;
- newwindow.TopEdge = window->TopEdge;
- if(newwindow.TopEdge >= IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen->Height)
- newwindow.TopEdge = IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen->Height - 1;
- if(window)
- CloseWindow(window);
- if(IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen == workbenchscreen)
- { newwindow.Screen = NULL;
- newwindow.Type = WBENCHSCREEN;
- } /* end if(IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen...) */
- else
- { newwindow.Screen = IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen;
- newwindow.Type = CUSTOMSCREEN;
- } /* end else */
- if((window = (struct Window *)OpenWindow(&newwindow)) != NULL)
- currentscreen = window->WScreen;
- else
- notclosed = FALSE;
- } /* end if(currentscreen...) */
- } /* end while(notclosed) */
- if(window)
- CloseWindow(window);
- } /* end if((window = ...) */
- CloseDevice(&timer);
- } /* end if(OpenDevice(TIMERNAME...) */
- DeletePort(timerport);
- } /* end if((timerport = CreatePort("Timer Port", 0)) != NULL) */
- CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- } /* end if((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)...) */
- } /* end main () */